Staff and faculty and Washington University are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming campus community for FSAP participants. This document identifies policies and expectations participants are expected to observe during their FSAP experience. In addition to the conduct expectations set forth in this document, students are expected to abide by all applicable federal, state, and city laws and University policies. Violations of University policies may be reported to and require review by the Office of Student Conduct.

In the Classroom Environment

  • Attendance:
    • Class attendance is required.  If one is unable to attend class, they must contact their professor and Tyler Phelps, Assistant Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences, prior to the start of course that day.  All other absences will be considered unexcused.
  • Punctuality:
    • FSAP classes begin on the hour.  Faculty may begin their lecture and engagement promptly at the start of class; students are expected to be in their seats and prepared to participate.
  • Preparation:
    • Students are expected to complete readings prior to class and other assignments by the due date provided by the professor.  Students who are unable to prepare themselves for class should contact FSAP leadership for additional guidance and support.
  • Distractions:
    • Cell phones are to be silenced during class (i.e. no calls, texting, email, social media, etc.).  Laptops and/or tablets should only be used for taking notes during class.  Faculty will provide additional details regarding their policies on technology in the classroom.

In the Residence Hall & Dining Facilities

  • Community Etiquette:
    • Students are expected to keep living and dining areas clean at all times.
  • Students are expected to respect other program participants which includes but is not limited to others’ personal belongings, personal space, and the environment that we collectively share. 
  • Quiet hours are 11:00pm – 8:00am Sunday-Thursday, & 1:00am – 10:00am Friday and Saturday.
  • Guests:
    • Non-program participants may be in the residence hall until 11 pm Sunday-Thursday and 1:00am on Friday and Saturday—overnight guests are not permitted during FSAP.
  • Leaving Campus:
    • Weekends – FSAP is a 5-week program that promotes community and engagement on Washington University’s campus and within the St. Louis region. Students are expected to stay on campus each weekend unless an absence has been approved prior to the start of the program.  
  • Evenings – For purposes of safety and security, participants are expected to return to the Residence Hall each night.  Students must communicate their destination to an FSAP staff member before leaving campus. Students’ location must be known and must be able to be reached by phone if off campus after 1 am.
  • Bear Bucks:
    • FSAP participants will receive a total of $1,200.00 in Bear Bucks for on-campus dining throughout the length of the five-week program.  Students are responsible for the usage and maintenance of these dining funds.  Bear Bucks should not be used for purposes other than meals/snacks/food items.  
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy:
    • Washington University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for members of the university community by promoting a drug-free environment as well as one free of the abuse of alcohol.  Please see the Washington University Student Conduct Code for further information on these policies and their enforcement.
  • FSAP students and their guests may not use alcohol in the Residence Hall, even if they are of the legal age of 21.
  • Check-out:
    • Students must check-out by 11:00am, on Saturday, July 20th.
  • Rooms will be viewed by FSAP staff members prior to check-out. All furniture must be returned to its original location, and all trash should be removed from the room. Residents of a room not found in satisfactory condition will be fined in accordance with Summer Conferences and Residential Life guidelines.
  • Cars:
    • FSAP students are not allowed to have cars on campus. Cars will be towed at owner’s expense.

Please note: WashU strives to provide access and equity for all students. During FSAP as well as for your studies at WashU, if you are an individual with a documented disability and are interested in exploring academic, housing, transportation, or dietary accommodations, please contact Disability Resources as soon as possible. Disability Resources is dedicated to ensuring that every student with a disability will have equal access to our campus and academic programs. 

If you are requesting accommodations, in addition to contacting Disability Services, please contact the FSAP Administrator at to ensure that programmatic elements provided in FSAP (housing, transportation, events/experiences, and dietary accommodations) can be prepared.